Review of Heavenly Sweet 1000mg Cannabutter

Meet Sheila Dedenbach

August 1, 2023

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Sheila Dedenbach a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Sheila Dedenbach, Founder and Owner of Heavenly Sweet

Sheila, thank you so much for joining us today. Let’s jump right into something we’re really interested in hearing about from you – being the only one in the room. So many of us find ourselves as the only woman in the room, the only immigrant or the only artist in the room, etc. Can you talk to us about how you have learned to be effective and successful in situations where you are the only one in the room like you?
As a woman CEO since 2008, the California Cannabis industry has presented both challenges and opportunities throughout my journey. Over time, I have learned valuable lessons and developed strategies to be effective and successful in many situations.

I believe that authenticity plays a crucial role. Instead of trying to conform to the expectations or behaviors of others in the industry, I have learned to embrace my unique perspective and experiences as a woman. By staying true to myself and bringing my whole self to the table, I offer a different lens through which to view challenges and opportunities. This authenticity allows me to stand out and contribute in meaningful ways.

Additionally, building a strong support network has been instrumental in my success. Surrounding myself with diverse mentors, advisors, and colleagues has provided me with invaluable guidance, encouragement, and insights. Seeking out individuals who have faced similar situations or have navigated similar challenges has been particularly beneficial. Their perspectives have helped me develop strategies, build resilience, and gain the confidence needed to excel as a woman CEO in a male-dominated industry.

I have also made it a priority to continuously learn and stay informed. Engaging in a lifetime of curiosity, I work to stay current on industry trends, emerging technologies, and market dynamics, so that I may contribute informed and valuable perspectives. This not only helps me assert my credibility but also showcases my commitment to excellence and ongoing growth.

Moreover, I recognize the importance of establishing a strong personal brand. By consistently delivering exceptional results, fostering positive relationships, and displaying strong leadership qualities, I have been able to earn respect and recognition as an authority in the industry. Building a reputation for competence, reliability, and integrity has been pivotal in gaining influence and breaking down barriers.

I believe it is crucial to be an advocate for diversity and inclusion. By actively promoting and supporting initiatives that foster a diverse and inclusive workplace, I strive to create an environment where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive. This includes encouraging and empowering other women and underrepresented groups to pursue leadership roles and providing them with the resources and opportunities needed to succeed.

Finally, being the only woman CEO in the room, especially early in my career, has taught me valuable lessons about authenticity, the importance of a strong support network, continuous learning, personal branding, and advocacy for diversity and inclusion. By leveraging these strategies, I have been able to be effective and successful in environments where I may be the only one who looks like me. Ultimately, I believe that embracing our unique perspectives and experiences as women can contribute to more inclusive and successful organizations, not just in the cannabis industry, but for all industries.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about your [company]?
Heavenly Sweet cannabis-infused edibles stand out for their exceptional quality, delectable flavors, and commitment to using the finest ingredients. What sets our products apart is our unwavering dedication to creating high quality products that not only satisfy the taste buds but also provide an unforgettable experience. Each product is carefully crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring consistency in taste and potency. Additionally, Heavenly Sweet takes great pride in our innovative approach, constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity to offer a diverse range of flavors and product options. Whether it’s mouthwatering chocolates, tantalizing gummies, or indulgent baked goods, you are craving, every bite of every Heavenly Sweet product, delivers that moment of pure bliss, making our products truly special in the world of cannabis-infused treats.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Three qualities that have been instrumental in my success are resilience, self-confidence, and continuous learning.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to changes, and persist in the face of challenges is a quality that can significantly impact your journey to success. Resilience allows you to maintain a positive mindset, learn from failures, and keep moving forward, even when the road gets tough. By staying resilient, you can overcome obstacles and continue progressing towards your goals. No matter what your journey to success looks like, you are going to need resilience to see it through.

Self-Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities, despite other people questioning your goals. Self-confidence enables you to take calculated risks, step out of your comfort zone, and seize opportunities that come your way. When you have confidence in your skills and talents, you are more likely to make bold decisions, showcase your expertise, and effectively navigate various situations, ultimately propelling you towards success. Show confidence even when you may not feel it. Eventually, the confidence will be genuine.

Continuous Learning and willingness to learn, grow, and adapt is a skill that can have a profound impact on your journey to success. Embracing a mindset of lifelong curiosity allows you to stay ahead of the curve, acquire new knowledge and skills, and remain adaptable in a rapidly changing world. Continuous learning enables you to refine your expertise, expand your horizons, and stay relevant, positioning you for success in your chosen field. I read daily and take ongoing business and marketing courses to feed my brain, every day.

My journey has taken a lifetime to land me where I am right now. Every step of the way, there have been twists and unplanned turns which is why resilience, self-confidence, and continued learning, have been instrumental in keeping me on track, or bringing me back on track when I have strayed, from the path to success.

Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing?
The California cannabis industry has undoubtedly faced several challenges in recent years. While the industry has made significant progress since the legalization of recreational cannabis in 2018, various issues continue to pose obstacles to its growth and stability; over regulation, high taxation, lack of access to banking and financial services, an uncontrolled illicit market, and fragmentary district control and restrictions creating a patchwork of varying regulations.

Addressing these challenges requires collaboration among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and regulators. Streamlining and harmonizing regulations, reducing tax burdens, improving access to real banking and financial services, and investing in robust enforcement against the illicit market are essential steps to promote a thriving and sustainable legal cannabis industry in California. Additionally, initiatives to enhance industry education, promote social equity, and support small businesses can contribute to the long-term success and inclusivity of the cannabis industry in the state.

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Overcoming Challenges as a Woman CEO in the Cannabis Industry

Exploring the challenges and strategies to overcome bias is essential to fostering a more diverse and inclusive cannabis industry.

BY SHEILA DEDENBACH Published June 6, 2023

THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY has experienced remarkable growth and transformation in recent years, attracting entrepreneurs and investors from diverse backgrounds. However, women in leadership positions continue to face significant challenges in this traditionally male-dominated sector. As a woman CEO in the cannabis industry, I have personally encountered and witnessed the unique hurdles and biases that women face. Exploring the challenges and strategies to overcome them is essential to fostering a more diverse and inclusive cannabis industry.

Gender bias remains a significant challenge for women CEOs in the cannabis industry. Despite progress in gender equality, stereotypes and biases persist, leading to both conscious and unconscious prejudices in areas such as hiring, investment decisions, and networking opportunities. These biases are particularly evident in an industry that has historically been stigmatized and male-run. Overcoming these biases is crucial to creating an environment where talent and capability are valued over preconceived notions of leadership.

Access to networking opportunities and capital poses another hurdle for women CEOs in the cannabis industry. Informal networks, which often facilitate valuable business connections and investment opportunities, tend to be dominated by men. Limited access to these networks can hinder women CEOs from securing crucial partnerships, collaborations and funding, limiting their ability to grow and expand their businesses.

Moreover, studies consistently show that women-owned businesses, including those in the cannabis industry, receive disproportionately less funding compared to their male counterparts. According to a report from Pitchbook, “In 2022, companies founded solely by women garnered just 2.1% of the total capital invested in venture-backed startups in the U.S.” Bridging this funding gap is essential to ensure that women CEOs have the necessary resources to compete and succeed in a rapidly evolving market.

Balancing work and family responsibilities is an ongoing challenge for women CEOs in all fields. The expectations placed on women to fulfill multiple roles can be overwhelming in any industry, and the regulatory complexities and operational demands of the cannabis sector exacerbate this pressure. Striking a balance between managing a growing business, advocating for policy change, and attending to personal commitments can be exceptionally challenging. Addressing this challenge requires supportive policies and flexible work arrangements within cannabis companies to alleviate the unequaled burden on top-level women, enabling them to excel both professionally and personally.

Furthermore, the lack of female representation at the executive level remains a persistent issue in the cannabis industry. The underrepresentation of women CEOs and board members hinders the industry’s ability to benefit from diverse perspectives and experiences, impeding innovation, decision-making, and financial performance. To unlock the industry’s full potential, it is crucial for companies and industry organizations to actively promote gender diversity, through inclusive hiring practices at all levels. By nurturing a culture that values heterogeneousness, the cannabis industry can create an environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.

Addressing both conscious and unconscious biases and promoting gender equality requires education, training, and awareness campaigns. By challenging existing stereotypes and biases, we can engender a culture that recognizes and appreciates diverse leadership styles and contributions. This will pave the way for more equitable opportunities and outcomes within the cannabis industry.

Lastly, women CEOs in the cannabis industry can support and empower one another by establishing networks, mentorship programs and industry associations. These platforms provide opportunities to connect, share experiences and leverage collective strength. By collaborating and lifting each other up, women can overcome barriers and collectively drive positive change within the industry.

Being a woman CEO in the male-dominated cannabis industry comes with unique challenges that can hinder career growth, access to capital and work-life balance. By recognizing and addressing gender bias, improving access to resources, promoting diversity in leadership and advocating for supportive policies, we can overcome these challenges and create a more inclusive and prosperous industry. Together, we can navigate the path towards success, empowering women CEOs and unlocking the full potential of the cannabis industry.

The Silent Battle: Conquering Stress and Finding Balance in Business

To alleviate some of these pressures and create a more balanced and fulfilling life, there are a few essential steps you can take.

BY SHEILA DEDENBACH Published June 5, 2023

RUNNING A BUSINESS is often perceived as an exciting adventure — a chance to pursue dreams, create something meaningful and leave a lasting impact. However, behind the scenes, business owners and operators face an unseen battle against relentless stress and overwhelming pressures. To alleviate some of these pressures and create a more balanced and fulfilling life, there are a few essential steps you can take.

The pursuit of success presents entrepreneurs with numerous challenges. Financial uncertainties, demanding clients, tight deadlines and the weight of responsibility can consume their lives. Unfortunately, this takes a detrimental toll on their mental and physical well-being. It is time for a paradigm shift — a recognition that a business’s success cannot come at the cost of the owner’s health and happiness. Prioritizing self-care and stress management is paramount on the entrepreneurial journey.

Three Tips for Making a Change

Delegating and empowering your team is a crucial first step. Trust your employees with responsibilities and encourage them to make decisions. This not only lightens your workload but also fosters a collaborative work environment, empowering your team members to grow alongside the business. Additionally, consider outsourcing non-core tasks to professionals who specialize in those areas. This not only frees up your time but also ensures that crucial aspects of your business are managed efficiently, allowing you to focus on strategic growth.

Establishing boundaries is equally important. Set clear lines between work and personal life. Dedicate specific time for relaxation, family, hobbies, faith and self-care activities. Remember, a well-rested mind is a more productive mind. Prioritize self-care by making time for activities that rejuvenate your spirit — exercise, meditation, pursuing hobbies or spending quality time with loved ones. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it is an investment in your long-term success and happiness.

Seeking support from fellow entrepreneurs can also be a game-changer. Build a network of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges you face. Share your experiences, seek advice and offer support to one another. Together, you can overcome obstacles more effectively and find solace in a supportive community.

Thrive with Sustainability

It is time to redefine the narrative around owning and operating a business. Instead of perpetuating the belief that it’s all about endless work hours and stress, let’s focus on building a fulfilling and sustainable entrepreneurial journey that prioritizes personal wellness. By committing to finding a healthier balance, reclaiming control over your life, and paving the way for a more successful and fulfilling business experience, you are not only taking care of yourself but also setting an example for others in the business world.

Remember, no one at the end of their life ever regretfully said, “Gee, I wished I had worked more hours.” Life is too precious to sacrifice your well-being for the sake of success. Embrace the opportunity to create a harmonious blend of passion, purpose and personal fulfillment in your entrepreneurial endeavors. You deserve it, and your business will thrive when you prioritize your own happiness and well-being.

If entrepreneurs embrace these small changes, they could transform the journey to success and create a thriving business landscape that values not only financial gains but also the overall happiness and fulfillment of those who dare to dream and make a difference.



Meet Sheila Dedenbach founder and owner of Heavenly Sweet


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Sheila Dedenbach. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Sheila below.

Sheila, appreciate you joining us today. What’s the backstory behind how you came up with the idea for your business?

In a state where cannabis has become a flourishing industry, one brand has emerged to redefine the concept of cannabis-infused edibles. Heavenly Sweet, a trailblazing brand in the California cannabis market since 2008, has captivated the hearts and taste buds of cannabis enthusiasts with their exquisite creations. We will explore the journey of Heavenly Sweet and how they revolutionized the world of cannabis-infused treats. The story begins with a visionary entrepreneur who recognized the untapped potential of combining confectionery art with the benefits of cannabis. With a passion for creating delectable delights and a deep understanding of the market, Sheila Dedenbach, the founder of Heavenly Sweet set out to create a brand that would redefine the cannabis experience. Their mission was clear: to craft edibles that not only provided a delightful taste but also offered a safe, discrete, and enjoyable way to consume cannabis.
Heavenly Sweet stands apart from the competition due to their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Every step of the production process is carefully executed, from sourcing the finest cannabis extracts to selecting the freshest and most flavorful ingredients. Sheila’s dedication to perfection shines through in each delectable bite, ensuring that customers have an exceptional experience with every Heavenly Sweet product.
Heavenly Sweet prides itself on its ability to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Their product lineup boasts an extensive range of
delectable treats, from infused artisanal chocolates to mouthwatering fast acting gummies in an array of flavors. The brand’s commitment to constantly introducing new and exciting creations ensures that customers are always met with fresh and enticing options, catering to a diverse range of preferences.

Heavenly Sweet understands the importance of compliance and safety in the cannabis industry. The brand adheres to rigorous quality control measures, ensuring that each product meets strict industry standards. From accurately dosed edibles to child-resistant packaging, Heavenly Sweet prioritizes the well-being of their customers, providing a reliable and trustworthy experience.
Heavenly Sweet not only focuses on delivering exceptional products but also on building a strong cannabis community. The brand actively engages with its customers, hosting educational events, and partnering with local dispensaries to provide a platform for cannabis enthusiasts to connect and share their experiences. Heavenly Sweet aims to foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its consumers, further solidifying its position as a leader in the cannabis market.
Heavenly Sweet has redefined the California cannabis market with its irresistible creations and unwavering commitment to quality. Through a combination of innovation, meticulous craftsmanship, and a dedication to compliance, the brand has elevated the cannabis-infused edibles industry in California to new heights. As Heavenly Sweet continues to captivate the hearts and palates of consumers, it remains at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly expanding market, offering a truly heavenly experience for cannabis enthusiasts throughout California.

Awesome – so before we get into the rest of our questions, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers.

In 2008, I embarked on a life-changing visit to a local dispensary that left me exasperated and disappointed with the lackluster offering of cannabis-infused edibles. The products available at that time were devoid of any standards, lacked proper labeling, and exhibited alarming inconsistencies, showing little consideration for the consumer’s needs and preferences. It was in that moment that I made a firm commitment to raise the bar and provide a superior experience for cannabis consumers. Thus, Heavenly Sweet was born. Heavenly Sweet quickly emerged as a pioneer in the cannabis edibles industry, and today is California’s oldest edible company. Our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a steadfast dedication to our customers. We set out to redefine the standards of cannabis-infused edibles, ensuring that every product we create delivers unparalleled quality, consistency, and satisfaction.
Heavenly Sweet, we believe that the consumer deserves the very best. We have painstakingly developed precise formulations and manufacturing processes to create products that not only taste heavenly but also deliver consistent and reliable effects. Each edible is thoughtfully crafted with the finest ingredients and infused with premium cannabis extracts, allowing our customers to indulge in a delightful experience every time.
Our unwavering commitment to product excellence has been recognized by the industry, earning
Heavenly Sweet numerous awards and accolades. These accolades are a testament to our relentless pursuit of perfection and our passion for pushing the boundaries of what cannabis edibles can achieve. We take great pride in these achievements and use them as motivation to continuously raise the bar for ourselves and the industry as a whole.
As the founder of
Heavenly Sweet, I am immensely proud of the journey we have undertaken and the positive impact we have made on the cannabis community. Our commitment to quality, consistency, and consumer satisfaction remains unwavering. We strive to be more than just a brand; we aspire to be a trusted partner, offering delightful experiences that enhance the lives of our customers.
To potential clients, followers, and fans, I want you to know that
Heavenly Sweet is dedicated to providing you with the finest cannabis-infused edibles available. We are a brand rooted in integrity, transparency, and a genuine passion for creating products that bring joy and elevate experiences. With Heavenly Sweet, you can expect consistent dosing, delectable flavors, and an unwavering commitment to your satisfaction. Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey, and we look forward to delighting your taste buds and elevating your cannabis experience with our Heavenly Sweet creations.

Any advice for managing a team?

As the founder of Heavenly Sweet, I believe that maintaining high morale among our employees is of utmost importance. Our team is the backbone of our success, and their passion and dedication play a vital role in crafting exceptional cannabis-infused edibles and delivering exceptional experiences to our customers. Here are a few strategies we employ to ensure a positive and motivated work environment: 1. Clear Communication: Open and transparent communication is key to maintaining high morale. We foster a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. Regular team meetings, and an open-door policy allow us to address any issues promptly and ensure that everyone feels heard and valued.
2. Recognition and Appreciation: Recognizing and appreciating the hard work and achievements of our employees is crucial. We make it a point to acknowledge individual and team accomplishments, both big and small. This recognition takes various forms, such as verbal praise, public announcements, and employee appreciation events. Feeling appreciated boosts morale and encourages continued dedication.
3. Work-Life Balance: We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Encouraging flexible work hours, providing time off when needed, and promoting wellness initiatives all contribute to a positive work environment. By valuing their well-being, we show our employees that we care about their happiness, both inside and outside of work.
4. Team Building and Social Activities: Organizing team-building activities, social events, and outings fosters camaraderie among employees. These activities promote teamwork, collaboration, and a sense of belonging, creating a positive and cohesive work culture. We believe that a strong and supportive team dynamic leads to higher morale and increased productivity.
5. Empowerment and Autonomy: We empower our employees by providing them with autonomy and personal ownership over their work. Encouraging them to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute to the company’s growth boosts morale and fosters a sense of pride and accomplishment.
At Heavenly Sweet, we recognize that our employees are integral to our success. By prioritizing their well-being, professional growth, and overall satisfaction, we create an environment where high morale thrives. We are committed to nurturing a positive workplace culture, fostering open communication, and celebrating the achievements of our incredible team. Together, we continue to create delicious and extraordinary cannabis-infused edibles while maintaining the spirit of Heavenly Sweet.

Can you talk to us about manufacturing? How’d you figure it all out? We’d love to hear the story.

When I started Heavenly Sweet, I embarked on the journey, fueled by a passion for creating exceptional cannabis-infused edibles. I dedicated countless hours to researching, experimenting, and honing my craft to develop unique processes and delicious products. The initial phase involved extensive research into various infusion methods, ingredient combinations, and extraction techniques. I delved deep into the science behind cannabis infusion, understanding how different cannabinoids and terpenes interacted with different ingredients and flavors. This knowledge formed the foundation of the innovative processes that set Heavenly Sweet apart.
Armed with newfound understanding, I began crafting and creating in my own kitchen. I carefully measured and combined ingredients, experimenting with different ratios and infusion methods. The goal was to not only achieve optimal flavor profiles but also ensure consistent dosing and potency.
The testing phase was crucial in perfecting our recipes. I meticulously evaluated each batch, taking note of the taste, texture, and overall experience. Feedback from friends, family, and trusted individuals helped me refine the recipes further, ensuring that each product met the high standards I had set for Heavenly Sweet.
Throughout this process, I developed unique techniques and proprietary methods that became the hallmark of
Heavenly Sweet. These processes allowed us to create edibles that stood out from the competition, both in terms of flavor and consistency. I sought to strike a delicate balance between indulgence and potency, ensuring that our products not only tasted heavenly but also provided reliable and enjoyable cannabis experiences.
As the founder of
Heavenly Sweet, I take immense pride in the journey that began with dedication to research, craft, and creativity. It is through this process of relentless pursuit of excellence that Heavenly Sweet has become synonymous with outstanding cannabis-infused edibles.
Heavenly Sweet stands as a testament to the passion, perseverance, and innovative spirit that brought it to life. From those humble beginnings, we have grown into a renowned brand, trusted by cannabis enthusiasts seeking unparalleled flavor and consistency. Our unique processes and delicious products continue to delight customers, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion with the world through Heavenly Sweet.

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Wall Street Journal (Western Edition) February 8, 2023

The Tiktok algorithm strikes again! Food trends on Gen Z’s favorite app move at the speed of light, from weird flavor combos to “hacks” to pure clickbait. But one take on a dairy delight has captured our collective imagination enough to make it to the pages of the New York Times. Yes, I’m talking about butter boards. 

What is a butter board?

A butter board is exactly what it sounds like—think a slab of smooth, heavily-seasoned butter primed for dipping with both sweet and savory snacks. Whether you love them or hate them, national media has decided that butter boards are hot. As holidays approach, they make for a twist on the tried-and-true charcuterie board that dominated our summer picnics. 

You can season your butter board sweet or savory, with toppings that range from lemon zest to honey to fruit to nuts to flowers. But we decided to go one step further and find a way to have your butter board get you baked too.

We consulted Sheila Dedenbach, the founder and owner of Heavenly Sweet edibles company, who has been producing cannabutter-infused treats for 15 years. The company also sells a 1000 mg ready-made cannabutter perfect for the occasion. She’s seen the butter board craze and hopes it sticks around for the season.

“Combining things with butter is not a new concept at all; it was originally a French technique where they would use compound betters. I think this is just a way a different way of serving it,” she tells Leafly. “The recipe I wrote was savory, but I could see it with a maple syrup drizzle, some cinnamon, and some fresh fruit—there’s a lot of diversity. And I hope anybody who’s hosting any type of communal type of event, that you notify your guests that there’s cannabis in it.”

Dedenbach has prepared a Margherita-inspired butter board recipe in a cookbook zine for consumers in California and was kind enough to share it with us. This butter board feeds 12 and uses a 10 mg dose concentration per volume.

This cannabutter board elevates any party. (Heavenly Sweet)

But before you go about spreading butter on every board in sight, Dedenbach urges caution with double-dipping and forgetting potency: “Once you’ve consumed it, you’re in for the ride.”

Dosing is crucial with a butter board because it won’t be 100% accurate, so make sure everyone who approaches it for a schmear knows what to expect. Furthermore, most people at parties want to pop champagne or mix a cocktail or two.

Alcohol can increase the intensity of your edible cannabis high because it acts as a solvent and allows THC to more effectively enter the bloodstream. Always follow the “start low and go slow” adage, and maybe ask your friend to drive you home.



  • A board of your choosing (marble works great)

  • Mixing bowl

  • Parchment paper

  • Electric mixer

  • Knife or frosting tool


  • 8.8 oz high-fat salted butter (room temp)

  • 1 Tb 1000mg Heavenly Sweet cannabutter (or your own)

  • 4 oz goat cheese

  • 3 Tbs tomato pesto

  • 6 cloves of minced roasted garlic

  • 2 Tbs minced basil leaves

  • 2 Tbs roasted pine nuts

  • Coarse salt

  • Black pepper

  • A loaf of warm/toasted bread 

Note: You are more than welcome to make your own cannabutter if dispo-bought isn’t accessible, but dosing will be even trickier. We recommend you try out the recipe a few times before unleashing it on friends and family.

How to make a butter board with cannabutter

Dedenach’s recipe calls for creating a compound butter, or butter that has herbs and other dairy products added to it for spreadability. This is crucial to ensuring your butter board infusion is evenly distributed, and won’t excessively dose one guest while the rest get none.

  • First, your butter, cannabutter, and goat cheese should be softened and at room temperature. Do not use a microwave, as this can compromise the cannabinoids in the cannabutter. 

  • In a mixing bowl, combine your butter, cannabutter, and goat cheese. Mix and whip on high for 5-7 minutes until the consistency is light and fluffy. This texture is crucial for even dosing and ease of use.

  • Spread your compound butter on your clean board (do not use a cutting board). We recommend laying down parchment paper to minimize the mess.

    1. It might be tempting to just slather it all on the board at once. But taking more time to arrange individual dollops to spread will make it easier for you and your guests to eyeball their dose. For example, if your total butter board contains 50 mg of THC, you can arrange the butter in 20 2.5mg doses to ensure no one gets overwhelmed. 

  • Spread the pesto evenly over the butter board. Evenly sprinkle the pine nuts, garlic, and basil leaves. Add salt and pepper and other seasonings of your choice. Serve with warm bread, crackers, or a carb of your choice. 

A couple of pro tips from Leafly staff: The cannabutter should only make up a FRACTION of the butter for your board. A fully-infused butter board sounds fun, but most adults can’t handle more than 10 mg of THC without getting uncomfortable. The grassy taste will probably not agree with you either.

You can make your butter board spicy, sweet, savory, or even floral. Pretty simple right? Go forth and let your tastebuds and endocannabinoid receptors prosper. Federal legalization may or may not be on the horizon, but it’s never too early to change your mind about all the things cannabis can be.

“I hope that people can see that cannabis is very approachable. I think edibles in particular are the most approachable vehicle for cannabinoids. Especially with the holidays coming, I think that this is a great way for people to see that ‘oh, it can be it can be lovely, and it would taste like anything else that you would make that is delicious.”

Sheila Dedenbach is a red wine drinker, not a cannabis consumer. But that didn’t stop her from identifying a gap in the cannabis market fourteen years ago, and building a highly successful company around it.

During the financial crisis of 2008, Dedenbach found herself laid off from a “dead-end job”, with three children to support as a single mom. “I had a hard time finding something that paid well enough, so I thought, ‘I’m going to start my own business and create my own job,’” she recalls.

A lifelong cook and baker, Dedenbach stumbled upon her opportunity when she accompanied a friend to a medicinal cannabis distributor (at the time, only medicinal cannabis was legal in California). She noticed that baked edibles, such as rice crispie treats, were packaged in clear sandwich bags with no labels. “They weren’t labeled with potency and I had no idea who manufactured them,” says Dedenbach. “There was no accountability and there didn’t seem to be any quality control.” The bud tender’s advice: “I wouldn't eat more than half because they’re pretty strong.” Dedenbach was appalled. “I walked out of there and told my friend, ‘I could do this so much better.’” And so Heavenly Sweet was born.

Dedenbach started researching the process for infusing food with cannabis, drawing upon her experience as both a private chef and a confectioner. “I played around with different strains for different food combinations and started with chocolates and truffles,” she says. Retailers began asking for additional products and she was off and running, starting in her own kitchen and then eventually moving into a commercial facility. “We operated as a medical collective because at the time you could not get a commercial license to manufacture cannabis products,” Dedenbach says.

“I’ve always been passionate about writing so being able to be a contributor to such a prestigious brand is very fulfilling. To have a platform where my thoughts and opinions are shared and valued is validating.”

When recreational cannabis was legalized in 2016, the industry became more regulated and Dedenbach was compelled to reduce the number of products she sold. Of particular concern to her: laws that restricted edible products that needed to be frozen or refrigerated below 41 degrees. “I did get them to make an exception for cannabutter concentrates but I had to fight,” she recalls. Her reputation for high standards and accountability paid off.

“Early in 2010, we were the first edible company to begin lab testing our products, the first to put nutrition panels and dosing schedules on our products,” she says. “That was about a decade before the state asked us to do it.” In fact, when the state began gathering information on cannabis businesses to determine the standards that should be used for compliance, Dedenbach’s manufacturing facility was frequently toured because of its high standards. “We’ve always approached things with integrity, to inform the consumer what they’re getting,” she says. “And it all derives from that first visit to that dispensary with the package that had no information whatsoever.”

Dedenbach’s Heavenly Sweet branded products — cannabutter, savory crackers, caramel corn, chocolates, and cereal bars — are made at her 9,000 square foot manufacturing facility, SD Pantry. She sells to approximately 600 retailers in California, and also private label manufactures products for other brands. While the business is currently 85% Heavenly Sweet and 15% private label, Dedenbach plans to add more private label work next year. “I believe the future of cannabis manufacturers is that we manufacture multiple brands,” she says. Creating a brand and manufacturing it is an arduous and expensive proposition, she explains, so it makes sense for new enterprises to have their products made by an established and fully licensed company, like SD Pantry.

As a member of Rolling Stone Culture Council, Dedenbach is leader of the Cannabis Group on the member forum. “When they asked me to lead the group, it was such an honor,” she says. “It’s been a great experience and a tremendous resource of useful information for business owners.” Dedenbach also contributes regularly to Expert Forums and draws upon her entrepreneurial experience to pen long-form articles. “I’ve always been passionate about writing so being able to be a contributor to such a prestigious brand is very fulfilling,” she says. “To have a platform where my thoughts and opinions are shared and valued is validating.”


Hidden Gems: Meet Sheila Dedenbach of Heavenly Sweet

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sheila Dedenbach. Them and their team share their story with us below:

In 2008, the founder of Heavenly Sweet found herself in a California dispensary only to be appalled at the complete lack of quality edible products available in the cannabis industry. What she found there were unlabeled, inconsistent, misshapen cereal treats completely devoid of consideration for the consumer. This single moment of utter disappointment inspired her to embark on a mission to create and provide high-quality, consistent, safe edibles.

After conducting research on the most effective ways to infuse edibles while maintaining cannabinoid content, flavor, and appearance, she selected the tastiest Cannabis strains to complement various foods. She then employed her decades of confectionary experience in the creation of each Heavenly Sweet product. Heavenly Sweet’s goal has always been to create products that people love as much as we do. We craft products for every day and our variety and quality are unmatched.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
There have been many struggles in the nearly 15 years since I started this business in my own kitchen. In the early days, there were challenges trying to operate a professional business in an industry that didn’t operate that way. We approached the industry with the intent to instill integrity into edibles; from the way they were manufactured, packaged, and sold, to testing and equality control standards. Later there were threats of federal raids. Many of our retailers were raided and cleaned out. WE simply restocked them so they could open up and continue to meet the needs of their patients. We were blessed to be a model business that regulating representatives visited while gathering information to write the first draft of state compliance regulations. This helped put us ahead of the pack when the regulations came out and we were already doing much of what was required for compliant licensing.

Lately, the struggle we are challenged with is the present downturn in the economy. We are offering incentives to retailers and cutting prices so they could pass those savings along to consumers. We work hard to ensure our products are high quality while still being fairly priced. Heavenly Sweet is the oldest edible company in the state. We have been through many trials and there are more to come but we are up to the challenges ahead.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Heavenly Sweet products are made using the finest ingredients and prepared to adhere to the highest standards.

They have received multiple industry awards for quality and excellence. All products are prepared by an experienced and knowledgeable staff, keeping the adult palate in mind, incorporating satisfying flavor and textural combinations with accurate cannabinoid content. We carefully craft each product for accuracy, and variety and to ensure safety and consistency for reliable effect. When Heavenly Sweet began in 2008, there were no industry standards for dosing medicated Cannabis edibles. In February of 2010, Heavenly Sweet was the first edibles manufacturer in California to begin lab-testing products. Each product is state-compliant and clearly labeled so that consumers can make an informed decision. Heavenly Sweet is the oldest continuously-operated edible company in California and Heavenly Sweet products can be found at nearly 600 licensed retailers throughout the state.

Heavenly Sweet classic edibles are made with our own odorless, flavorless cannabutter infused with Sativa-dominant hybrid strains and our Fast-Acting products are crafted with precisely dosed nano-technology for accuracy and rapid-onset effect. We infuse every product with careful precision to provide accurate potency and overall benefits.
Cannabinoid content is listed on each label and step-by-step instructions to determine your personal dosing can be found on the
Golden Rules of Edibles page on our website. We make products with a variety of strengths ranging from 20mg (2 doses) in our 420 Bars line to our 4oz Medicinal Cannabutter with 2000mg THC (200 doses). Whatever your personal dosage, you can easily apply it to ANY of Heavenly Sweet’s delightfully satisfying hand-crafted items.

There are several delicious ways to enjoy the benefits of cannabis; chew on a Fast-Acting Gummy (the fastest edible on the California market), a gooey Fruity Treat, or create your own using one of Heavenly Sweet’s Cannabutter concentrates. Whatever product you choose, you can achieve your desired effect, discretely, whenever you want.

We work hard to offer an extensive variety of satisfying and delicious edible options for your needs. Your satisfaction is our only goal.

What are your plans for the future?
Heavenly Sweet will be manufactured and offered in additional states. We will be opening a facility in Nevada soon and I am currently seeking opportunities in other licensed states. We wait, hopeful, for SB1326 to open opportunities for interstate commerce.

Additionally, as the federal government evaluates the potential re-scheduling of cannabis or removal from scheduling entirely, we are working on preparations for when this day arrives. In the short term, we are always working to develop new and interesting products. Stay tuned in!

Contact Info:


Marquis Who’s Who of professional Women: SHEILA DEDENBACH

With more than a decade of confectionary experience, Sheila Dedenbach founded Heavenly Sweet, a cannabis-infused edible manufacturing company, in 2008. She was inspired after visiting a local dispensary with a friend and witnessing how poorly made cannabis edibles were and how plainly they were packaged. There were no nutrition or potency labels, and all of them were packaged in clear sandwich bags. At that moment, she decided that she could do better and began Heavenly Sweet in her own kitchen. She strove to set new quality standards in her products as well creating a potency schedule to help consumers make informed decisions. Ms. Dedenbach sought to further her education and earned a Bachelor of Arts in business and corporate communication at the University of Phoenix in 2009, cementing her skills as an entrepreneur.

In 2010, Ms. Dedenbach had the good fortune to encounter a new lab that had just begun testing cannabis cholas for potency and clarity, and she was able to convince them to test edibles. She reasoned that if they could test the flowers, they could test other infused products such as the cannabutter she used in her products. Her goal was to ensure consistency across her product lines. At the time, no manufacturers in California were testing for potency and clarity. Heavenly Sweet became the first company not only to conduct lab tests for potency but provide full nutrition labels for their products, which allowed consumers to make educated decisions about what they wanted to purchase. They were also notably the first edibles company in California to impose a dosage schedule, a decade before it was mandated.

Today, Heavenly Sweet operates out of a 9,000 square foot facility with 14 full time employees and offers 35 products that are available in over 600 retail locations across the state of California. As founder and president, Ms. Dedenbach is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations, new business development, marketing and advertising. She continues to be directly involved with new product development, consumer outreach, oversees regulatory compliance, human resources and many other aspects of business management. Furthermore, she communicates with her employees when they offer feedback or suggestions for things the company can improve upon.

In 2021, Ms. Dedenbach partnered with a publicly held cannabis company to develop a manufacturing facility in Nevada. The project is currently underway.  She states that it has been an incredibly validating experience to have others in her industry recognize her work and want to invest in the growth of her business. She is incredibly grateful for the team of exceptional and dedicated employees that make Heavenly Sweet what it is. Ms. Dedenbach is proud to have a team made up of mostly women, including all of her managers and she hopes that opening the new branch in Nevada will afford even more opportunities for women in the field.

Ms. Dedenbach attributes much of her success to hard work, dedication and a strong belief in the high-quality products offered under the Heavenly Sweet label.  She states she has always prepared to pivot whenever challenges arise, noting that, “Success is always ahead, never behind you so keep moving.”

In addition to her work with Heavenly Sweet, Ms. Dedenbach also established SD Pantry Inc., a state-licensed manufacturer and distributor. SD Pantry Inc. currently manufactures Heavenly Sweet products along with other privately labeled cannabis brands. In 2021, Ms. Dedenbach became a contributor to the Rolling Stone Culture Council online magazine. She has written several articles and contributed to many expert-panel articles. She plans to continue to write and share her experiences to the benefit of others.

Retirement is not on her current agenda, but one day Ms. Dedenbach plans to involve herself in various philanthropic causes. She would like to extend business opportunities and training to other women, ensuring them a livable income to support their families. She wants to help others avoid some of the pitfalls she encountered when building her business.

For her excellence, Ms. Dedenbach has received numerous awards for her products and has been interviewed by a variety of publications, including Ask Growers, Edibles Magazine, Close Up and the Cannabis Edibles Expo. Having accomplished much over the years, she hopes to leave a legacy as a confident, dynamic professional who loves what she does. Born in Santa Barbara, California, to parents Fredrick and Linda Lilley, Ms. Dedenbach considers the highlight of her life to being mother to three amazing children. Her daughter is a professional graphic artist and group art director at McCann Erickson in New York City, her eldest son is a design engineer in Los Angeles and her youngest son is currently a student, living at home. She states of her children, “They are my greatest legacy.”



FROM MY PERSPECTIVE, I think nearly every business operator in the legal California cannabis space would agree the industry is struggling to stabilize after 4-plus years of Prop 64 guidance. Some legal cannabis businesses, after enduring exorbitant licensing fees, daunting state and local regulatory demands, and burdensome taxation have permanently shuttered their doors. Many have found survival in a highly competitive, volatile market to be more than they could navigate.

It is not too late to save the industry from its downward trajectory. Changes to state and local regulations could not only immediately reverse its course, but these changes could breathe new life into the suffering industry.

Once a gray-market industry, California regulators created a framework for existing cannabis businesses to become compliant. The undertaking to transform businesses accustomed to operating outside conventional avenues was no small task. Much was asked of business operators, both in costs incurred and in transparency required to reveal sensitive business details. Those committed to evolving, made the sacrifices to acquire the coveted legal status that meant they could operate openly within their communities. It was no smooth transition.

As with any new government program, there were — and continue to be — issues that directly affect business operators. From the onset, state and local agencies burdened licensees with unprecedented taxes. High licensing fees have kept many from transitioning from Proposition 215 markets to adult-use markets. State licenses can range from $1,205 annually for a specialty cottage cultivation permit to $300,000 annually for large-scale microbusinesses. Additionally, district licenses can be equal to or greater than state fees. Many districts also charge a percentage of annual gross revenue and a percentage for community impact programs. These are not initial costs; they are annual costs. The expense of legal licensure can be a tremendous barrier to entry for anyone without deep pockets.

Furthermore, the cannabis industry has burdensome taxation beginning at cultivation and continuing through manufacturing, distribution and retail — taxed at each licensee. This causes retail prices for legal cannabis to exceed illicit market prices. It seems no other industry is taxed as excessively as California cannabis, and operators are forced to pass those burdens on to consumers. Consumers often see only pricetags, making it difficult for legal products to compete with illicit pricing — one of the reasons we have a robust illegal market in California.

What I believe is needed is a level pricing field, which could disincentivize consumers from shopping in illegal shops. A reprieve from cultivation and excise tax would allow legal businesses to compete and capitalize on the opportunity to grow. In turn, the state may realize its revenue goals once the excise tax is gradually re-introduced. However, if nothing is done to rescue the cannabis industry, I fear we could lose access to safe products in California.

Additionally, operators complain that little is done to mitigate the damage from a thriving illegal market. As cannabis tax rates continue to increase, consumers will likely choose to spend their money where it goes further. Illegal retailers open shop and are shut down, only to reopen elsewhere a few hours later. I was told by one such operator that they already have the next two locations prepared to open long before their illegal shop is shut down by authorities. It seems these operators are two and three steps ahead of the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC).

As of January 2022, the DCC had issued 12,221 cannabis business licenses. Despite California voters choosing to develop a legal cannabis industry, the state allows individual districts to decide whether or not they allow safe access to cannabis — 56 percent of counties do not allow any kind of cannabis business license. Make no mistake, consumers are spending their dollars on cannabis products in every district throughout the state. If they are denied access to legal cannabis, consumers could turn to illicit products. State regulators should ensure access in all districts by forcing them to write policies for their respective communities or be forced to adopt a statewide mandate for inclusion. I believe this step would guarantee safe access to legal cannabis for all.

In a letter penned to the Governor of California Gavin Newsom, Senate President pro-Tempore Toni Atkins and Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon, 29 large cannabis operators throughout California stated, “Without meaningful change, many, if not most licensed cannabis companies, will face a desperate choice: pay exorbitant taxes into a system designed for failure or pay employees so they can feed their families. None of us want to make this choice.” These industry leaders appealed for an end to the cultivation tax, a reprieve of excise tax and increased issuance of retail licenses, warning that the “industry is collapsing.”

On May 13, 2022, in a letter from Governor Newsome’s office regarding his revised 2022-2023 state budget, it stated California would be “Setting the cultivation tax rate at zero beginning July 1, 2022.” This will provide a small measure of relief for cultivators and help stabilize the raw cannabis market. The budget proposal also addressed the shortage of licensed retailers within the state with a “one-time allocation of $20.5 million to help expand access to legal retail throughout California.” Districts can apply for funds to develop a framework for cannabis commerce in their communities.

The 2022-2023 budget revisions acknowledge the desperate state of the cannabis industry and addressed a few of the issues causing its downfall. However, not every point was met with action. There was a minor adjustment to state excise taxes. The mark-up rate was reduced from 80 percent to 75 percent. Furthermore, there are no promises made to tackle the illicit market in a meaningful way, but it appears the concerns of the ailing cannabis industry were at least heard, which means there is hope for a recovery.

close up radio doug llewelyn interview with sheila dedenbach, founder of heavenly sweet

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MARQUIS WHO’S WHO inductee-sheila dedenbach

who’S who of professional women inductee-sheila dedenbach



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Tia Moskalenko interviews Heavenly Sweet founder Sheila Dedenbach

When It Comes to the Sweet & Cannabis Combo, Heavenly Sweet Wins

Sheila Dedenbach chat with our AskGrowers crew about their unique products that are taking the cannabis market by storm. We have discovered what inspired the owners to get into the industry and how the brand began its story. There are many products to find, from munchies and gummies to various treats, bars, and cannabutters. Dive in, but make sure you are ready for the sweet adventure this story brings.

Tia (AskGrowers) :What inspired you to get into the cannabis industry?

Heavenly Sweet Team : In 2008, the founder of Heavenly Sweet found herself in a northern California dispensary only to be appalled at the complete lack of quality edible products available. She found unlabeled, inconsistent, misshapen crispy rice treats utterly devoid of consideration for the consumer. This single moment of utter disappointment inspired her to embark on a mission to create and provide high-quality, consistently medicated edibles. After researching the most effective ways to infuse edibles while maintaining cannabinoid content, flavor, and appearance, she selected the tastiest Cannabis strains to complement various foods, she then employed her decades of confectionary experience in the creation of each Heavenly Sweet edible. Heavenly Sweet's goal has always been to create products that people love as much as we do. We prepare edibles for every day! Whoever you are and whatever kind of day you're having (great day, tough day, exhausting day, etc.), there is a product for you. We strive to make "edibles for all."

Tia :How did you start your brand? Tell us your origin story!

Sheila Dedenbach : I started Heavenly Sweet with just a few products: shaped chocolates were among my first SKUs. Our product menu grew as retailers began asking for additional items. They would ask, "can you make…." and of course, the answer was "yes, we can make that for you." Near the end of 2017, we had more than 100 different products on our menu, then had to select just our top-sellers and tweak them slightly for full compliance in the adult-use market.

Tia :What's your top-selling product, and why do you think it is so?

Sheila : Our top-sellers are our two strengths of cannabutter: 1000mg for adult-use and 2000mg for medical use, along with any of our cereal treats (fruity, berry crunch, cookies & cream, etc.), our savory crackers (chili lime, ranch, and sriracha), our Caramel Corn and our new fast-acting Gummies (the fastest edible on the California market at 5-7 minute onset!), those come in Juicy Berry (tart), Lemon squeeze (tart), Mango Passion (sweet) and Sweet Violet (sweet).

Tia :Can you tell how exactly you differ from others similar to your brands?

Sheila : I have always taken great pride in the quality of the products we manufacture and have instilled that same level of investment with my entire staff. I remind them constantly to consider the consumer and that they must part with their hard-earned dollars to acquire our products, so we must ensure that they always see the value over the monetary sacrifice. We put a lot of love into our products as we make products that we love too. Every item goes through rigorous quality control before ever making it into a package. We want to make sure it's beautiful, tasty, and effective.

Tia :On your website, you say that you make your edibles easy. How easy is it for you to make them? Do you have any specific approaches to making edibles?

Sheila : Making edibles easy means we make various always beautiful, delicious, and effective edibles for consumers. They don't have to compromise or question when they choose a Heavenly Sweet product. We have done all the hard work so that it is an easy choice for them.

Tia :What can you tell about your munchies?

Sheila : Our Munchies line is perfect for those new to cannabis edibles and those who are micro-dosing. They are great for anyone. All Munchies: Caramel Corn, savory crackers, and our Buddies line have approximately 1mg of THC per piece, so identifying your perfect dose is so easy. Also, Golden Rules of Edibles (a step-by-step dosing guide) can be found on our website

Tia :What's the expiration date of your edibles?

Sheila : Each product has a unique best-by date printed on the back. We are in constant production, so check the product label.

Tia :Can you tell us more about your production line - specifically about the goods that aren't seen in every shop in this industry.

Sheila : I think many consumers are unaware that we make such a variety of products because each retailer can choose to carry certain products. The consumer may not see everything we offer. Our product lines are:

Tia :Are there any cannabis brands in your state you appreciate and follow? Name them.

Sheila : We have the good fortune to be in Northern California, where we have MANY excellent brand manufacturers and those like us that manufacture for other companies.

You can follow Heavenly Sweet at:


Thank you so much, Heavenly Sweet team, for taking the time to do the interview. To learn more about them, head on over to their website.


9 Questions With Heavenly Sweet Edibles

Read the full interview: 9 Questions With Heavenly Sweet Edibles - President Sheila Dedenbach (

NEW FOODS Interview October 2020

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