By: Sheila Dedenbach, Heavenly Sweet Founder

How to find your own personal dose of edibles without over-consuming

Cannabis-infused edibles are an excellent way to achieve a long-lasting desired outcome when used responsibly.  Conversely, over consuming cannabis can leave you feeling paranoid, dizzy, or nauseas.

You may be asking yourself, why traditional edibles affect you differently than smoking, vaping, or sublingual (under the tongue) titration. Ingested cannabis must process through the digestive system before the THC is absorbed into the liver where it is converted to 11-Hydroxy-THC which can feel four times stronger than Delta-9-THC.  Additionally, many factors including alcohol consumption and stomach content, can contribute to a more intensified feeling that can last from four to ten hours! 

The trick is to know how much to ingest and how long the effects will last before taking the first taste. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned imbiber, there are a few Golden Rules that, when heeded, can make your experience go from startling to sensational.  You will only need to go through this process once to determine the correct amount to achieve the results you want.

Golden Rule #1-Be selective.  Choose products from a reputable company such as Heavenly Sweet who has been lab-testing their products for clarity and consistency since 2010.  You want to be sure that anything you put into your body has no trace of molds, pesticides, fungicides, solvents, heavy metals, or volatile chemicals. 

Golden Rule #2- Read labels. Be aware of how much THC and CBD is in the product you are consuming; Is it 10mg THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or 100mg THC per package? This will help you determine how much of the product you can consume without overindulging. Gauge your servings based on potency not package size.

Golden Rule #3-Eat before you imbibe. The effects of the THC will feel more intense on an empty stomach so have a little something to eat BEFORE touching edible-to-lips.

Golden Rule #4-Don’t drink alcohol and eat edibles. Mixing cannabis with even a modest amount of alcohol (2-3 drinks) will amplify the effects of your cannabis-infused edibles which could result in an unpredictable outcome.

Golden Rule #5-Start low and go slow.  If you are an “edible virgin,” begin with a low THC dose, no more than 5-10 milligrams per 100 lbs. of body weight.  This may sound like a very small amount but keep in mind you can always eat more but you cannot eat less once you have consumed it. It can take between thirty minutes and two hours, depending on your metabolism, body mass and level of fitness, to feel the full effects.  *Fast-Acting edibles can take effect as soon as 5-7 minutes.

**PRO TIP-Once you have portioned your serving of infused product, put away the remainder BEFORE THE FIRST TASTE.  This will help you avoid over-indulging; you are less likely to eat more when it’s not right in front of you.  Also, keep track of how many milligrams of THC and CBD you have consumed; best practice is to write it down.

Golden Rule #6- Find your personal dosage.  After the initial 5-10 milligrams per 100 lbs, it is imperative you WAIT TWO HOURS BEFORE INGESTING MORE! If, after two hours, you feel you have achieved the desired effect, do not eat anymore; that is your personal dose.  If you do not yet feel the effects, try another 5-10 milligrams, and WAIT TWO HOURS.  Repeat this process until you achieve the desired effect.  Once you have determined the quantity of THC you need to feel your bliss, apply that to any reliable lab-tested edible for predictable results.

**PRO TIP-Once you have determined your personal dose try mixing some un-infused product with your personal serving of infused product to create a “serving.”  Example: serve a scoop of your favorite ice cream, topping it with 1 serving of crumbled Heavenly Sweet Muddy Buddies or Cookie Buddies.  That way you can feel satiated without over consuming.

NOTE-Never operate a vehicle or heavy machinery while under the influence of cannabis.

Golden Rule #7-Remain calm.  If you have ingested too much cannabis, hydrate and remain calm, get some sleep.  Know that you are not going to die!  The effects will wear off in a few hours.  Consider this a lesson.  Make a note of how much you consumed so you can avoid making the same mistake the next time.

**PRO TIP-Try keeping high CBD oil or capsules on hand in case of over-consumption. CBD attaches to the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and body like THC, reducing the feel of THC’s effect.  Ingesting or titrating high CBD oil would help bring you down out of the stratosphere and back to a pleasant flight.­

Your edibles experience should be both enjoyable and long-lasting. It should begin with a warm relaxation washing over you, phasing into mental clarity with pain and anxiety relief, then finishing with a deep restorative sleep.  It should not make you anxious or provoke hallucinations.  If you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms, you have ingested too much.  Review steps 1-7 and (after recovering) and try again.

Edibles offer the most “bang for your buck” due to their consistent and enduring effects.  Once you have determined your personal dosage, you can apply that dosage to your favorite edibles and anticipate blissful effects.